Learn about photography in english or danish
Let me push you fast forward from A to B and teach exactly what you need to know.
You will get my full attention in english or danish, one on one, as we write together via email.
It´s highly efficient and you can save to entire email conversation as your tailored online course.
Pick your topic
Analog Photography Portrait Architecture Landscape Photojournalism Fine Art Photography
Street Photography Interior Night Photography Studio Light People Natural Light Nature
Prepare for school, how to become a photographer.
Basic, learn to get the most out of your camera or phone.
Or a topic of your suggestion ?
1:1 private online learning sessions in english or danish
Move forward in 4 steps, with individual tasks, all targeted your learning curve.
€ 540 / 4.000 dkk
Portfolio Review
Send me 5 - 10 photographs and I will give you my best advice and feedback.
Get expert knowledge and inspiration to work with.
€ 200 / 1.500 dkk
Just ask or you will never know
Please tell me what you need ?
Over 25 years of professional experience, international awards and much more, read my full story here.